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      09-25-2017, 01:36 PM   #57
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Originally Posted by Torgus View Post
So basically me when I was 14/15.

My mother sent me to live with my Father in Nebraska which was like prison. My relationship was never the same with my parents(both sides) ever again. I know they both thought they were doing what was best, but it was not.

I hope the fruits of your actions will not come back to bite you in the ass. Also why a Canadian military school if you live in Florida? There are plenty of good US academies. Also, last time I checked, no one is scared of the Canadian military.

If I was sent to something like a Military Academy at that age I think I would have done something VERY drastic and many people.

edit: How can private school be less costly?
Camden, as in Camden South Carolina. Florida is one of the lowest about $10k a year. NY $20k. Subtract room and board and its really inexpensive compared to the public brain washing system. Another benefit is this year's graduating class of 80+ received $1.2 billion in scholarship money. Way more per student than any public school I know. 98% average college acceptance rate too.

As for his actions, they were way beyond what I ever did and what his peers were doing. In fact everyone I have talked to said good for you. His actions for a kid in college, even a h.s. senior would be understandable though not welcome. Not for an 8th grader. Sorry living with your dad was a prison. That wasn't the case here. And if he shapes up this year we will consider bringing him back. Our rules were bed by 11, eat 3 real non junk food meals a day, if you leave the neighborhood tell us, no drugs, do your homework, maybe a chore for an hour on the weekend, in by dark, we monitor his social media. We have the final word and you respect us and our authority. Not draconian I would think.

Last edited by Fundguy1; 09-25-2017 at 01:52 PM..
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