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      03-22-2018, 12:14 PM   #10
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Originally Posted by Just_Jody View Post
Facebook is the devil. I watched a video not too long ago that was an interview with one of the original creators. He was quoted in stating that they knew what they were doing was wrong. They played off of basic human instinct of dopamine boosts in order to generate revenue. Everyone has a basic need to feel wanted/needed and facebook fills this void. Unfortunately social media in general has created this mentality that it is socially acceptable to walk around taking pictures of yourself, your food and everything else that no one gives a shit about so it can be posted and liked by your fake friends, all for a slight dopamine boost all to feel accepted, wanted and appreciated.

Honestly Facebook isn't the problem, people are the problem. Facebook is simply a platform and as Daniel Tosh stated a megaphone for idiots. I still have my Instagram account but I shut down Facebook last year and honestly it's amazing at how much simpler my life has become; less distractions, etc. I still have my Facebook messenger account but I hate to use it as it seems like a hive of social media vampires waiting to attack as soon as they see you are active. I have a friend that sends me funny videos via messenger but every damn time I watch one, I instantly get a bunch of messages from people who have nothing better to do with their lives.

Facebook is great is you are a: cheater, a stalker, a predator, a thief, a dumb ass, creator of bullshit news stories/click-bait or a small business whose only goal is to annoy you by trying to use social media as advertising. I really hate this generation and the technology that fuels all the sheep.
Absolutely right. I was just starting college as Facebook was getting very popular, and I had MySpace in high school.

I deleted my Facebook in college after 1 year, and re-activated it a year ago while just limiting my friends to family or relatives that live far away. I took a college class (psychology) that did a study on social media and it was very interesting. The things people would do for validation were crazy. A lot of it transfers over to places like here (online forums) and dating sites.

I remember doing an experiment for that course where we partnered with the mental health clinic on campus and anonymously surveyed people asking if they had dating site accounts and what they saw as a benefit. Many people felt lonely and were just looking for physical contact or relationships but a lot of people were seeking validation. It was very common to see people who were mainly looking to see how many people would match or "wink" at them on these sites, but never follow up.

In college I'd go to bars/parties with a few friends and when chatting with a girl the topic of Facebook would always come up. They would ask for you to add them as a friend. Many do this so they can find out more info about you, who you are friends with, etc. When I told them I didn't have a Facebook, one of two things would happen. The first being they would think it is creepy, and were turned off since they weren't able to instantly access a bunch of info about me, but that rarely happened. Usually it came off as being mysterious/unknown which they found attractive, oddly enough. Instagram was not really a thing back then, and now they ask for that, since both parties can now have access to hundreds of pictures of the other person.
"Yeah, but your scientists were so preoccupied with whether or not they could, they didn't stop to think if they should."

-Dr. Ian Malcolm, Jurassic Park
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