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      03-06-2017, 06:44 PM   #124

Drives: MW Vespa w/pink racing stripes
Join Date: Nov 2007
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Originally Posted by Cameronc08 View Post
Originally Posted by shoei View Post
With that said, I don't love it but I have no one to blame but myself if I get pulled over for tints / no front plates / speeding / driving in the car pool lane when I'm the only occupant and anything of the sort...
I absolutely hate this mentality. Just because something is a law does NOT mean we should roll over and let the government stick it in dry. I'm speaking vaguely here, but if I recall slavery was legal in this country in the distant past..does that mean that AA's should have just accepted their role in society and moved on? What about taxation without representation which started the revolutionary war? More currently we can look at the effects of marijuana laws that have been ever increasingly changing throughout the country. I'm by no means comparing no front plate to slavery, just the concept of rolling over and accepting it when a law is in effect that is either outdated or a pure cause of revenue that is simply not fair to the citizens already exceedingly paying more than their fair share of taxes.

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
You paint with too broad a brush. Look, citation fines are revenue, just like victim restitution fines, weed abatement fines (....e.g...fines for having an unkempt front yard), etc. There's a punitive dollar amount assigned/attached to just about every type of broken law however frivolous that written law may be. Why you guys seem to focus so much on vehicle fines (...and tend to funnel law enforcement away from focusing on them) is beyond me. While important, DUI/reckless driving enforcement aren't the end all, be all of law enforcement. Like I stated in an earlier post, minor traffic violations OFTEN lead to major apprehensions of criminals. There IS a rhyme and reason to it regardless of whether or not you/others agree with it. I don't think you are in a position to tell me what the "real" hazards of day-to-day driving are. I don't intend that to come across antagonistic in any way, shape or form, but it is the truth. You don't know how many traffic collisions any particular station handles per day/month. You don't know about causality (..aka..PCF, or Primary Collision Factors), nor do you have any idea about the additional repercussions of those accidents (..i.e...injuries or death to innocent parties, property damage, etc.). My main purpose in replying to some of the comments is to dispel any perceptions that aren't legitimate, and confirm others. Granted, there are always variances in what officers do from other departments and that patrol other areas (...we are dealing with people here....and people are organic), so take what I say with a few grains of salt.

As for the article, I'm not too concerned with what an article says. It doesn't mirror what I experience, so I give little credence/weight to it.

That's a good question. Let me check into that.
I'm using you as an example only because you are the only one commenting that admits to being a cop so don't take it personal..but remember now, by that logic you cannot get offended by people generalizing when the only run-ins that they have personaly had with cops are douchebags. And yes, just like lots of law abiden citizens, there ARE plenty of douchebag cops. Just accept it and move on.

Originally Posted by Sedan_Clan View Post
That would be a well implemented system.
Again, don't take this personal I'm just using you as you're the only one here that has experience on that side of the law, but you admit to no front plate laws being purely revenue generators. But then you say that you'll give a ticket if someone is giving you an attitude or disrespectful. Is that not in a sense using your power to punish someone, as in a power trip?
For what it's worth I'm impartial to police officers. They took the job knowing the hazards just like any job, and there plenty of amazing and influential cops that truly do help make the world a better place, just like there are plenty of real POS cops. Humans are human.
I absolutely hate this mentality. What makes you exempt from the laws? It's tinted windows - be a peace officer rolling up to a stop at night and the windows are blacked out... what if they were doing something legitimately wrong?

Your examples are terrible as well. Yeah the marijuana laws in this country are outdated as you say, but truthfully, it's because no laws have been in place. Also comparing slavery to tinted windows is about the most asinine comment I've heard in awhile lolol...

Carpool lanes are designed for multiple occupants - when I drive in the pov lane and I'm the only occupant, I accept the responsibility of getting ticketed. All because you FEEL a law is outdated, doesn't give you the right to completely throw it out the window...
Appreciate 1