Hi All, have the same problem with my 2016 740i with 82k miles on it, posted it in 7 series with no replies yet. Code is 420641 Parking lock: Incorrectly applied. My car was not stuck anywhere and did not ran over anything. One morning 3 weeks ago just doing normal start, waiting till rpm drop to start driving, put in reverse, feel the gear engage, side mirror go down as supposed to and then immediately go into park by self. Do not see anything leaking on ground but did not remove protective cover yet. To by pass this, if I open the door and put it in gear it seems to engage and drive normally, shifts normally. When this is happening, the gears defiantly engage at first, verified by scanner, but goes into park by self in 2 seconds. Any suggestions, I will check fluid level over weekend and for leaks, but I really do not think its a problem, I replaced fluid at 60K, but just fluid, not pan. Any one else has suggestions or experience what else could it be? This is happening only intermittently and from cold start.