Thread: Sourdough bread
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      05-08-2024, 02:55 PM   #9
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Originally Posted by tranquility View Post
Tx in advance. You're in for a lot of questions LOL.

1. Ok, I kinda understand the active starter but don't think I received the instructions on how to make that?

2. I just have reg AP flour and salt, is that ok?

3. In your Step 6, what does "bulk ferment" mean?

4. I don't have a dutch oven, may I just use a reg baking pan instead?

I like how you use metric measurements and F for temp, I do that too as somehow F is still dominate over C.
1. I followed Pantry Mama's recipe on making my own starter. Worked great for me. Mine was ready by Day 20. Link here

2. Buy some bread flour. It does make a difference. When making and feeding your starter, you can use AP flour for that. I like the King Arthur brand for both my AP and my bread flour. You want something unbleached AND unenriched for both your AP and your bread flour.

3. Bulk fermenting is the time when it first rises after your stretch and folds but before actually shaping it. Your dough should double in size as it rises during this phase.

4. You can open bake, I don't have luck with it but some of my friends do. I bought a Lodge 6 qt enameled dutch oven off amazon for $47 and I've used it so many times. Well worth it.

5.Oh yeah, sorry I see you're in Canada, yes F is for the American way to measure heat lol. Dang, if you were in America, I'd overnight you some of my starter so you could get straight to it, but I'm sure with customs it would get caught up and be compromised before it arrived.
Appreciate 1